Announcing our new Restoring Wholeness Curriculum!

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Faith, Hope & Good Mental Health provides faith-based support for good mental health

Faith, Hope & Good Mental Health ministry helps restore hope for people affected by mental health challenges.

Our Curriculum: Restoring Wholeness


Restoring Wholeness: Spiritual Support for Mental Health curriculum has a unique method to create support groups that listen to concerns of the heart and attend to matters of the soul.

Group leaders learn how to use spiritual practices to help participants find relief and inspiration. Those who participate may find that their hope returns and their faith is restored. Even in the midst of struggle they can recover a sense of wholeness.


Those times when we feel mentally, emotionally, or spiritually unwell can be times when we are more open to God's presence. 

The detailed, thoughtful and practical guides are wonderful roadmaps. The parameters set forth create a safe space where participants can explore their own truths. The core of this curriculum is based on spiritual practices. These include mindfulness, stillness, reflection, imagination, and blessing. This approach can create a sense of wholeness. We discover that we can thrive again. 


Restoring Wholeness online meetings and small groups create a safe space for sharing deep concerns.

The Restoring Wholeness curriculum offers opportunities to listen to our lives, to let our lives speak. It can deepen our understanding of ourselves and provide an opportunity to meet others on their life’s journey. All the while, we can grow in knowledge and wisdom. We find companions for the journey and rest for our souls. 

Featured Curriculum

  • Restoring Wholeness Small Group Package - One Leader Guide & Eight Participant Guides
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  • Restoring Wholeness Small Group Package - One Leader Guide & Six Participant Guides
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  • Restoring Wholeness Participant Guide
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  • Restoring Wholeness Leader Guide
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What a powerful series Restoring Wholeness is. The individuals who participated knew each other before. At the end of the series, they knew the deeper self of each other and even of themselves. They realized that they were not alone in their struggles and that people received them and understood them. This experience brought them closer to each other in a way that is shown by their actions of support, compassion and love for each other.

Pastor Julio C. Peña, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Chicago

The curriculum provides a strong yet flexible structure within which people can
experience both a connection with themselves and a connection with others. The detailed, thoughtful, and thorough guides for both participants and leaders are wonderful roadmaps. The parameters that are set forth to create a safe space where participants can explore their own truths are very realistic and practical. I love how the scripture and quotes were woven into each session to provide divine inspiration and guidance. This is a fresh tool which faith communities can use to strengthen the mental health of participants and equip participants to reach out to others.

Korin Isotalo, Retreatant

The group process is a powerful way to offer support, build skills, and create a recovery community. FH&GMH provides a welcoming environment for people with mental health concerns and for those who care about them. Rev. McNair brings a professional focus and a personal touch to the experiences of sharing, learning and practicing skills, and spiritual discovery.

Susan Langan, MA, NCC, LCPC

When I struggled with mental health, the church community who knew me and loved me was there to keep me close. The support groups I attend are places where I experience the community of God in action, supporting me, offering me hope. Whether or not the words “praying,” “God,” “spirituality,” or “faith” are spoken, this is a family that embodies the unconditional love of God.

Rev. Dr. Cheryl Magrini Past President of the Depression Bipolar Support Alliance National Board

Rev. McNair’s groundbreaking work in developing the Faith, Hope & Good Mental Health curriculum has been an inspiration to other faith leaders in the Interfaith Mental Health Coalition. Such work is an important contribution to what is going on nationally in comprehensive mental health ministry development.

Robert Skrocki, Past President of Interfaith Mental Health Coalition

Restoring Wholeness is a curriculum for faith communities that incorporates a variety of resources from various faith traditions. In it, small groups plumb the depths of their spiritualities, of heart, mind, and body, in order to learn more about and strengthen their mental health. Participants have experienced the deepening of relationships, an expanded sense of community, and support for emotional growth. As a clergywoman and spiritual director, I welcome this new aid for ministry.

Rev. Carol Allen, Spiritual Director

I thoroughly enjoyed facilitating Restoring Wholeness. The sessions are thoughtful and engaging. The format quickly created a safe place for sharing. The content provided both information on the topics as well as faith and spiritual resources for healing and moving forward… as pastor to the participants, it was a pleasure to organize and lead this group.”

David Thornton, Pastor, Sixth-Grace Presbyterian Church
  • We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection.

  • Brené Brown
  • There is power in understanding the journey of others to help create your own.

  • Kobe Bryant
  • Even sunlight striking a physical object requires reflection in order to generate luminous energy

  • K. Zohar

We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection.

Brené Brown

There is power in understanding the journey of others to help create your own.

Kobe Bryant

Even sunlight striking a physical object requires reflection in order to generate luminous energy

K. Zohar

Our Goal: Compassionate Care

What Is Wholeness?

A sense of wholeness grows as we find meaning and purpose in our lives. It is more than the body, mind, and spirit. It is more than wellness. Those times when we feel mentally, emotionally, or spiritually unwell can be times when we are more open to God’s presence. Wholeness is grounded in a deep connection with God, in the willingness to recognize and receive God’s grace, to experience God's presence. 

Restoring Wholeness Curriculum

Some Restoring Wholeness: Spiritual Support for Mental Health themes are:

How to uncover blessings in difficult situations

How peace can relieve the burden of anxiety

How spiritual comfort can help overcome depression

Meet the author

Rev. Kathy Dale McNair

Rev. Kathy Dale McNair is ordained in the Presbyterian Church, USA and focuses on how faith can support mental health. She founded the ministry, Faith, Hope & Good Mental Health (FH&GMH) which is based, in part, on her work with NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. She was on the national NAMI FaithNet board, a division of NAMI which encourages faith communities to be welcoming to those struggling with mental health challenges. 

The FH&GMH ministry team has created a curriculum called Restoring Wholeness. It invites people of faith to explore challenging times in their lives and look for where elements of faith can be supportive during mental health challenges. Rev. McNair consults with faith communities and speaks about the importance of faith in supporting good mental health as well as mental health challenges.

Faith, Hope, & Good Mental Health

Restoring Wholeness groups create a safe space for sharing deep concerns. We find companions for the journey and rest for our souls.

Rev. Kathy Dale McNair


All content found in the Restoring Wholeness: Spiritual Support for Mental Health curriculum, on the Faith, Hope & Good Mental Health website, including text, images, audio, video, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in these materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency room, or call 911 immediately.